Typical group
of Parishes
A group of parishes from a geographic area grouped together under the leadership of an 'Area Dean' who will be one of the priests in that Deaner appointer to lead by the Diocese. |
1. The Deanery is a collection of parishes who share mutual support. It is the centre of support for the parish ministers, both spiritually and personally through the 'Deanery Chapter' which comprises all the parish ministers in that Deanery meeting regularly under the chairmanship of the Area Dean
(previously called the 'Rural Dean'). The Whole Deanery is overseen by the 'Deanery Synod', under the care of the Area Dean and a 'Lay Chairperson'
(ie: a member of the Deanery congregations and elected by them. The Lay Chair is not an ordained priest).
2. The Deanery provides fellowship and support for its members, offering them any assistance it's in a position to provide, especially if there should be a dispute in or between parishes and during a 'Vacancy'
(change of Minster). Ideally a Deanery should enable expertise & experience to be shared between its member parishes.
3. Through the deanery's links with, and knowledge of its member parishes, the diocese gains information to enable it to fairly share the costs of the diocesan budget and resources.
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Deanery Chapter |
Deanery Synod* |